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Saving Memory

Release has reworked and fully implemented the memory saving schemes that were previously in place, although not much touted and less used.

backtrader was (and will be further) developed in machines with nice amounts of RAM and that put together with the fact that visual feedback through plotting is a nice to have and almost a must have, mde it easy for a design decision: keep everything in memory.

This decision has some drawbacks:

  • array.array which is used for data storage has to allocate and move data when some bounds are exceeded

  • Machines with low amounts of RAM may suffer

  • Connection to a live data feed which can be online for weeks/months feeded thousands of seconds/minutes resolution ticks into the system

The latter being even more important than the 1st due to another design decision which was made for backtrader:

  • Be pure Python to allow to run in embedded systems if needed be

    A scenario in the future could have backtrader connected to a 2nd machine which provides the live feed, whilst backtrader itself runs inside a Raspberry Pi or something even more limited like an ADSL Router (AVM Frit!Box 7490 with a Freetz image)

Hence the need to have backtrader support dynamic memory schemes. Now Cerebro can be instantiated or run with the following semantics:

  • exactbars (default: False)

    With the default False value each and every value stored in a line is kept in memory

    Possible values:

    • True or 1: all “lines” objects reduce memory usage to the automatically calculated minimum period.

      If a Simple Moving Average has a period of 30, the underlying data will have always a running buffer of 30 bars to allow the calculation of the Simple Moving Average

      • This setting will deactivate preload and runonce

      • Using this setting also deactivates plotting

    • -1: datas and indicators/operations at strategy level will keep all data in memory.

      For example: a RSI internally uses the indicator UpDay to make calculations. This subindicator will not keep all data in memory

      • This allows to keep plotting and preloading active.

      • runonce will be deactivated

    • -2: datas and indicators kept as attributes of the strategy will keep all data in memory.

      For example: a RSI internally uses the indicator UpDay to make calculations. This subindicator will not keep all data in memory

      If in the __init__ something like a = - is defined, then a will not keep all data in memory

      • This allows to keep plotting and preloading active.

      • runonce will be deactivated

As always, an example is worth a thousand words. A sample script shows the differences. It runs against the Yahoo daily data for the years 1996 to 2015, for a total of 4965 days.


This is a small sample. The EuroStoxx50 future which trades 14 hours a day, would produce approximately 18000 1-minute bars in just 1 month of trading.

The script 1st executed to see how many memory positions are used when no memory savings are requested:

$ ./ --save 0
Total memory cells used: 506430

For level 1 (total savings):

$ ./ --save 1
Total memory cells used: 2041

OMG!!! Down from half-a-million to 2041. Indeed. Each an every lines object in the system uses a collections.deque as buffer (instead of array.array) and is length-bounding to the absolute needed minimum for the requested operations. Example:

  • A Strategy using a SimpleMovingAverage of period 30 on the data feed.

In this case the following adjustments would be made:

  • The data feed will have a buffer of 30 positions, the amount needed by the SimpleMovingAverage to produce the next value

  • The SimpleMovingAverage will have a buffer of 1 position, because unless needed by other indicator (which would rely on the moving average) there is no need to keep a larger buffer in place.


The most attractive and probably important feature of this mode is that the amount of memory used remains constant throughout the entire life of a script.

Regardless of the size of the data feed.

This would be of great use if for example connected to a live feed for a long period of time.

But take into account:

  1. Plotting is not available

  2. There are other sources of memory consumption which would accumulate over time like orders generated by the strategy.

  3. This mode can only be used with runonce=False in cerebro. This would also be compulsory for a live data feed, but in case of simple backtesting this is slower than runonce=True.

    There is for sure a trade off point from which memory management is more expensive than the step-by-step execution of the backtesting, but this can only be judged by the end-user of the platform on a case by case basis.

Now the negative levels. These are meant to keep plotting available whilst still saving a decent amount of memory. First level -1:

$ ./ --save -1
Total memory cells used: 184623

In this case the 1st level of indicators (those declared in the strategy) keep its full length buffers. But if this indicators rely on others (which is the case) to do its work, the subobjects will be length-bounded. In this case we have gone from:

  • 506430 memory positions to -> 184623

Over 50% savings.


Of course array.array objects have been traded for collections.deque which are more expensive in memory terms although faster in operation terms. But the collection.deque objects are rather small and the savings approach the roughly counted memory positions used.

Level -2 now, which is meant to also save on the indicators declared at the strategy level which have been marked as no to be plotted:

$ ./ --save -2
Total memory cells used: 174695

Not much has been saved now. This being because a single indicator has been tagged as not be plotted: TestInd().plotinfo.plot = False

Let’s see the plotting from this last example:

$ ./ --save -2 --plot
Total memory cells used: 174695


For the interested reader, the sample script can produce a detailed analysis of each lines object traversed in the hierarchy of indicators. Running with plotting enabled (saving at -1):

$ ./ --save -1 --lendetails
-- Evaluating Datas
---- Data 0 Total Cells 34755 - Cells per Line 4965
-- Evaluating Indicators
---- Indicator 1.0 Average Total Cells 30 - Cells per line 30
---- SubIndicators Total Cells 1
---- Indicator 1.1 _LineDelay Total Cells 1 - Cells per line 1
---- SubIndicators Total Cells 1
---- Indicator 0.5 TestInd Total Cells 9930 - Cells per line 4965
---- SubIndicators Total Cells 0
-- Evaluating Observers
---- Observer 0 Total Cells 9930 - Cells per Line 4965
---- Observer 1 Total Cells 9930 - Cells per Line 4965
---- Observer 2 Total Cells 9930 - Cells per Line 4965
Total memory cells used: 184623

The same but with maximum savings (1) enabled:

$ ./ --save 1 --lendetails
-- Evaluating Datas
---- Data 0 Total Cells 266 - Cells per Line 38
-- Evaluating Indicators
---- Indicator 1.0 Average Total Cells 30 - Cells per line 30
---- SubIndicators Total Cells 1
---- Indicator 0.5 TestInd Total Cells 2 - Cells per line 1
---- SubIndicators Total Cells 0
-- Evaluating Observers
---- Observer 0 Total Cells 2 - Cells per Line 1
---- Observer 1 Total Cells 2 - Cells per Line 1
---- Observer 2 Total Cells 2 - Cells per Line 1

The 2nd output immediately shows how the lines in the data feed have been capped to 38 memory positions instead of the 4965 which comprises the full data source length.

And indicators and observers have been when possible capped to 1 as seen in the last lines of the output.

Script Code and Usage

Available as sample in the sources of backtrader. Usage:

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--data DATA] [--save SAVE] [--datalines]
                         [--lendetails] [--plot]

Check Memory Savings

optional arguments:
  -h, --help    show this help message and exit
  --data DATA   Data to be read in (default: ../../datas/yhoo-1996-2015.txt)
  --save SAVE   Memory saving level [1, 0, -1, -2] (default: 0)
  --datalines   Print data lines (default: False)
  --lendetails  Print individual items memory usage (default: False)
  --plot        Plot the result (default: False)

The code:

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import argparse
import sys

import backtrader as bt
import backtrader.feeds as btfeeds
import backtrader.indicators as btind
import backtrader.utils.flushfile

class TestInd(bt.Indicator):
    lines = ('a', 'b')

    def __init__(self):
        self.lines.a = b = -
        self.lines.b = btind.SMA(b, period=20)

class St(bt.Strategy):
    params = (
        ('datalines', False),
        ('lendetails', False),

    def __init__(self):
        TestInd().plotinfo.plot = False

    def next(self):
        if self.p.datalines:
            txt = ','.join(
                ['%04d' % len(self),
                 '%04d' % len(self.data0),


    def loglendetails(self, msg):
        if self.p.lendetails:

    def stop(self):
        super(St, self).stop()

        tlen = 0
        self.loglendetails('-- Evaluating Datas')
        for i, data in enumerate(self.datas):
            tdata = 0
            for line in data.lines:
                tdata += len(line.array)
                tline = len(line.array)

            tlen += tdata
            logtxt = '---- Data {} Total Cells {} - Cells per Line {}'
            self.loglendetails(logtxt.format(i, tdata, tline))

        self.loglendetails('-- Evaluating Indicators')
        for i, ind in enumerate(self.getindicators()):
            tlen += self.rindicator(ind, i, 0)

        self.loglendetails('-- Evaluating Observers')
        for i, obs in enumerate(self.getobservers()):
            tobs = 0
            for line in obs.lines:
                tobs += len(line.array)
                tline = len(line.array)

            tlen += tdata
            logtxt = '---- Observer {} Total Cells {} - Cells per Line {}'
            self.loglendetails(logtxt.format(i, tobs, tline))

        print('Total memory cells used: {}'.format(tlen))

    def rindicator(self, ind, i, deep):
        tind = 0
        for line in ind.lines:
            tind += len(line.array)
            tline = len(line.array)

        thisind = tind

        tsub = 0
        for j, sind in enumerate(ind.getindicators()):
            tsub += self.rindicator(sind, j, deep + 1)

        iname = ind.__class__.__name__.split('.')[-1]

        logtxt = '---- Indicator {}.{} {} Total Cells {} - Cells per line {}'
        self.loglendetails(logtxt.format(deep, i, iname, tind, tline))
        logtxt = '---- SubIndicators Total Cells {}'
        self.loglendetails(logtxt.format(deep, i, iname, tsub))

        return tind + tsub

def runstrat():
    args = parse_args()

    cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
    data = btfeeds.YahooFinanceCSVData(
        St, datalines=args.datalines, lendetails=args.lendetails),
    if args.plot:

def parse_args():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Check Memory Savings')

    parser.add_argument('--data', required=False,
                        help='Data to be read in')

    parser.add_argument('--save', required=False, type=int, default=0,
                        help=('Memory saving level [1, 0, -1, -2]'))

    parser.add_argument('--datalines', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Print data lines'))

    parser.add_argument('--lendetails', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Print individual items memory usage'))

    parser.add_argument('--plot', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Plot the result'))

    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':