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Credit Interest

In some situations, the cash amount in real brokers may be decreased because the operation on assets includes an interest rate. Examples:

  • Short selling of stocks

  • ETFs both long and short

This means that not only the trades make up the profitability of a system, because the interests on the credit take a bite on the account.

To cover this cases backtrader includes (starting with release functionality to take this into account.

Extending CommissionInfo

Even if not associated to any order/trade, the discount of cash from the account can be modeled as a commission being charged by the broker. As such and given that backtrader already offers a flexible and extensible commission system, this system has been slightly extended to support credit interest.

A CommissionInfo can now be instantiated with two new parameters:

  • interest (def: 0.0)

    If this is non-zero, this is the yearly interest charged for holding a short selling position. This is mostly meant for stock short-selling

    The formula: days \* price \* abs(size) \* (interest / 365)

    It must be specified in absolute terms: 0.05 -> 5%


    the behavior can be changed by overriding the method: _get_credit_interest

  • interest_long (def: False)

    Some products like ETFs get charged on interest for short and long positions. If ths is True and interest is non-zero the interest will be charged on both directions

The parameters can also be set via the broker using the following method:

def setcommission(self,
                  commission=0.0, margin=None, mult=1.0,
                  commtype=None, percabs=True, stocklike=False,
                  interest=0.0, interest_long=False,

Where interest and interest_long obviously bear the same meaning as above.

Applying a CommissionInfo

For a stock with a commission in percentage a typical use scenario with credit interest would be as follows

import backtrader as bt

cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
comminfo = bt.CommissionInfo(commtype=bt.CommissionInfo.COMM_PERC,  # % commission
                             commission=0.005,  # 0.5%
                             percabs=True,  # perc expressed in abs terms
                             interest=0.05,  # 5% anual credit interest rate

This is mostly useful if th end user has own commission schemes.

A simpler case with setcommission:

import backtrader as bt

cerebro = bt.Cerebro(),  # % commission
                             commission=0.005,  # 0.5%
                             percabs=True,  # perc expressed in abs terms
                             interest=0.05,  # 5% anual credit interest rate


And the rest as in any other usual backtrader script.

Some sample scenarios

Long only, no exit, No interest

To establish a minimum baseline, let’s start without interest and letting the script enter the market only long and avoid exiting.

$ ./ --plot --stocklike --long --no-exit
01 2005-04-11 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 3088.47


The idea should be clear now. Have a flat cash line away from the total portfolio value and showing no deduction.

Long only, no exit and interest

Let’s try to add interest and see what happens (we’ll be adding a huge 15% interest to try to notice the movements)

$ ./ --plot --stocklike --long --no-exit --interest 0.15
01 2005-04-11 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 3088.47


NOTHING HAS CHANGED! And this is expected. In most cases the interest is applied only to short positions (taken with a credit) and this is a a long-only position.

Let’s tell the script to do it for long positions too

$ ./ --plot --stocklike --long --no-exit --interest 0.15 --interest_long
01 2005-04-11 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 3088.47


And the change is there. There has been a decrement and is huge (given the huge interest which is being taken)

A long-short scenario

This would model something like an ETF which has a yearly interest and can be a regular one or an inverse one. First let’s establish the baseline.

$ ./ --plot --stocklike
01 2005-03-22 23:59:59 SELL Size: -10 / Price: 3040.55
02 2005-04-11 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 3088.47
34 2006-12-19 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 4121.01
35 2006-12-19 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 4121.01

Plenty more operations and the system is always in the market.


Because the ETF will have interest charged on both long and short operations, the interest will be added for both now:

$ ./ --plot --stocklike --interest 0.15 --interest_long
01 2005-03-22 23:59:59 SELL Size: -10 / Price: 3040.55
02 2005-04-11 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 3088.47
34 2006-12-19 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 4121.01


ACHTUNG: 34 operations instead of 35. It seems something might be broken but … NO …

The charged interest is taking a bit into the cash reserves and this ends up not allowing the last order because THERE IS NOT ENOUGH CASH

Removing the interest charge from long operations (even if not real for an ETF) will allow the system to come to the end:

$ ./ --plot --stocklike --interest 0.15
01 2005-03-22 23:59:59 SELL Size: -10 / Price: 3040.55
02 2005-04-11 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 3088.47
34 2006-12-19 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 4121.01
35 2006-12-19 23:59:59 BUY  Size: +10 / Price: 4121.01

Back in business until the 35th operation.


A quick comparison with the original shows that the final cash has changed from 7490 (with no interest) to 5418 (applying interest only to short operations)


This new functionality allows to simulate with even more fidelity backtesting scenarios to try to achieve the dream: a profitable system

Sample usage

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--data DATA] [--fromdate FROMDATE]
                          [--todate TODATE] [--cash CASH] [--period1 PERIOD1]
                          [--period2 PERIOD2] [--interest INTEREST]
                          [--interest_long] [--long | --short] [--no-exit]
                          [--stocklike] [--margin MARGIN] [--mult MULT]
                          [--stake STAKE] [--plot [kwargs]]

Sample for Slippage

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --data DATA           Specific data to be read in (default:
  --fromdate FROMDATE   Starting date in YYYY-MM-DD format (default: None)
  --todate TODATE       Ending date in YYYY-MM-DD format (default: None)
  --cash CASH           Cash to start with (default: 50000)
  --period1 PERIOD1     Fast moving average period (default: 10)
  --period2 PERIOD2     Slow moving average period (default: 30)
  --interest INTEREST   Activate credit interest rate (default: 0.0)
  --interest_long       Credit interest rate for long positions (default:
  --long                Do a long only strategy (default: False)
  --short               Do a long only strategy (default: False)
  --no-exit             The 1st taken position will not be exited (default:
  --stocklike           Consider the asset to be stocklike (default: False)
  --margin MARGIN       Margin for future like instruments (default: 0.0)
  --mult MULT           Multiplier for future like instruments (default: 1.0)
  --stake STAKE         Stake to apply (default: 10)
  --plot [kwargs], -p [kwargs]
                        Plot the read data applying any kwargs passed For
                        example: --plot style="candle" (to plot candles)
                        (default: None)

Sample code

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import argparse
import collections
import datetime
import itertools

import backtrader as bt

class SMACrossOver(bt.Signal):
    params = (('p1', 10), ('p2', 30),)

    def __init__(self):
        sma1 = bt.indicators.SMA(period=self.p.p1)
        sma2 = bt.indicators.SMA(period=self.p.p2)
        self.lines.signal = bt.indicators.CrossOver(sma1, sma2)

class NoExit(bt.Signal):
    def next(self):
        self.lines.signal[0] = 0.0

class St(bt.SignalStrategy):
    opcounter = itertools.count(1)

    def notify_order(self, order):
        if order.status == bt.Order.Completed:
            t = ''
            t += '{:02d}'.format(next(self.opcounter))
            t += ' {}'.format(
            t += ' BUY ' * order.isbuy() or ' SELL'
            t += ' Size: {:+d} / Price: {:.2f}'
            print(t.format(order.executed.size, order.executed.price))

def runstrat(args=None):
    args = parse_args(args)

    cerebro = bt.Cerebro()

    dkwargs = dict()
    if args.fromdate is not None:
        fromdate = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.fromdate, '%Y-%m-%d')
        dkwargs['fromdate'] = fromdate

    if args.todate is not None:
        todate = datetime.datetime.strptime(args.todate, '%Y-%m-%d')
        dkwargs['todate'] = todate

    # if dataset is None, has been given
    data = bt.feeds.BacktraderCSVData(, **dkwargs)

    cerebro.addsizer(bt.sizers.FixedSize, stake=args.stake)

    sigtype = bt.signal.SIGNAL_LONGSHORT
    if args.long:
        sigtype = bt.signal.SIGNAL_LONG
    elif args.short:
        sigtype = bt.signal.SIGNAL_SHORT

                       SMACrossOver, p1=args.period1, p2=args.period2)

    if args.no_exit:
        if args.long:
            cerebro.add_signal(bt.signal.SIGNAL_LONGEXIT, NoExit)
        elif args.short:
            cerebro.add_signal(bt.signal.SIGNAL_SHORTEXIT, NoExit)

    comminfo = bt.CommissionInfo(

    if True:
    if args.plot:
        pkwargs = dict(style='bar')
        if args.plot is not True:  # evals to True but is not True
            npkwargs = eval('dict(' + args.plot + ')')  # args were passed


def parse_args(pargs=None):

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='Sample for Slippage')

    parser.add_argument('--data', required=False,
                        help='Specific data to be read in')

    parser.add_argument('--fromdate', required=False, default=None,
                        help='Starting date in YYYY-MM-DD format')

    parser.add_argument('--todate', required=False, default=None,
                        help='Ending date in YYYY-MM-DD format')

    parser.add_argument('--cash', required=False, action='store',
                        type=float, default=50000,
                        help=('Cash to start with'))

    parser.add_argument('--period1', required=False, action='store',
                        type=int, default=10,
                        help=('Fast moving average period'))

    parser.add_argument('--period2', required=False, action='store',
                        type=int, default=30,
                        help=('Slow moving average period'))

    parser.add_argument('--interest', required=False, action='store',
                        default=0.0, type=float,
                        help=('Activate credit interest rate'))

    parser.add_argument('--interest_long', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Credit interest rate for long positions'))

    pgroup = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
    pgroup.add_argument('--long', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Do a long only strategy'))

    pgroup.add_argument('--short', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Do a long only strategy'))

    parser.add_argument('--no-exit', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('The 1st taken position will not be exited'))

    parser.add_argument('--stocklike', required=False, action='store_true',
                        help=('Consider the asset to be stocklike'))

    parser.add_argument('--margin', required=False, action='store',
                        default=0.0, type=float,
                        help=('Margin for future like instruments'))

    parser.add_argument('--mult', required=False, action='store',
                        default=1.0, type=float,
                        help=('Multiplier for future like instruments'))

    parser.add_argument('--stake', required=False, action='store',
                        default=10, type=int,
                        help=('Stake to apply'))

    # Plot options
    parser.add_argument('--plot', '-p', nargs='?', required=False,
                        metavar='kwargs', const=True,
                        help=('Plot the read data applying any kwargs passed\n'
                              'For example:\n'
                              '  --plot style="candle" (to plot candles)\n'))

    if pargs is not None:
        return parser.parse_args(pargs)

    return parser.parse_args()

if __name__ == '__main__':