Requirements and versions
is self-contained with no external dependencies (except if you
want to plot)
Basic requirements are:
Python 2.7
Python 3.2 / 3.3/ 3.4 / 3.5
Additional requirements if plotting is wished:
Matplotlib >= 1.4.1
It may work with previous versions, but this the one used for development
NOTE: At the time of writing Matplotlib is not supported under pypy/pypy3
Python 2.x/3.x compatibility
Development takes place under Python 2.7 and sometimes under 3.4. Tests are run locally with both versions.
Compatibility with 3.2 / 3.3 / 3.5 and pypy/pyp3 is checked with continuous integration under Travis
Install from pypi
For example using pip:
pip install backtrader
easy_install with the same syntax can also be applied
Install from pypi (including matplotlib)
Use this if plotting capabilities are wished:
pip install backtrader[plotting]
This pulls in matplotlib which will in turn pull in other dependencies.
Again you may prefer (or only have access to …) easy_install
Install from source
First downloading a release or the latest tarball from the github site:
And after unpacking run the command:
python install
Run from source in your project
Download a release or the latest tarball from the github site:
And then copy the backtrader package directory to your own project. Under a Unix-like OS for example:
tar xzf backtrader.tgz
cd backtrader
cp -r backtrader project_directory
Remember that you would then need to manually install matplotlib