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Interactive Brokers

The integration with Interactive Brokers supports both:

  • Live Data feeding

  • Live Trading


In spite of all attempts to test the maximum number of error conditions and situations, the code could (like any other piece of software) contain bugs.

Test any strategy thoroughly with a Paper Trading account or the TWS Demo before going in production.


Interaction with Interactive Brokers is done by using the IbPy module and this has to be installed prior to usage. There is no package in Pypi (at the time of writing) but it can be installed using pip with the following command:

pip install git+

If git is not available in your system (Windows installation?) the following should also work:

pip install

Sample Code

The sources contain a full sample under:

  • samples/ibtest/

The sample cannot cover every possible use case but it tries to provide broad insight and should highlight that there is no real difference when it comes to use the backtesting module or the live data module

One thing could be pin-pointed:

  • The sample waits for a data.LIVE data status notification before any trading activity takes place.

    This would probably is something to consider in any live strategy

Store Model vs Direct Model

Interaction with Interactive Brokers is supported through 2 models:

  1. Store Model (Preferred)

  2. Direct interaction with the data feed class and the broker class

The store model provides a clear separation pattern when it comes down to creating brokers and datas. Two code snippets should serve better as an example.

First with the Store model:

import backtrader as bt

ibstore = bt.stores.IBStore(host='', port=7496, clientId=35)
data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='EUR.USD-CASH-IDEALPRO')

Here the parameters:

  • host, port and clientId are passed to where they belong the IBStore which opens a connection using those parameters.

And then a data feed is created with getdata and a parameter common to all data feeds in backtrader

  • dataname whic requests the EUR/USD Forex pair.

And now with direct usage:

import backtrader as bt

data = bt.feeds.IBData(dataname='EUR.USD-CASH-IDEALPRO',
                       host='', port=7496, clientId=35)


  • Parameters intended for the store are passed to the data.

  • Those will be used to create a IBStore instance in the background

The drawback:

  • A lot less clarity, because it becomes unclear what belongs to the data and what belongs to the store.

IBStore - the store

The store is the keystone of the live data feed/trade support, providing a layer of adaptation between the IbPy module and the needs of a data feed and a broker proxy.

A Store is a concept which covers the following functions:

  • Being the central shop for an entity: in this case the entity is IB

    Which may or may not require parameters

  • Providing access to getting a broker instance with the method:

    • IBStore.getbroker(*args, **kwargs)
  • Providing access to getter data feed instances

    • IBStore.getdata(*args, **kwargs)

    In this case many of the **kwargs are common to data feeds like dataname, fromdate, todate, sessionstart, sessionend, timeframe, compression

    The data may provide other params. Check the reference below.

The IBStore provides:

  • Connectivity target (host and port parameters)

  • Identification (clientId parameter)

  • Re-connectivity control (reconnect and timeout parameters)

  • Time offset check (timeoffset parameters, see below)

  • Notification and debugging

    notifyall (default: False): in this case any error message (many are simply informative) sent by IB will be relayed to Cerebro/Strategy

    _debug (default: False): in this case each and every message received from TWS will be print out to standard outpu

IBData feeds

Data Options

Be it directly or over getdata the IBData feed supports the following data options:

  • Historical download requests

    These will be split over multiple requests if the duration exceeds the limits imposed by IB for a given timeframe/compression combination

  • RealTime Data in 3 flavors

    • tickPrice events (via IB reqMktData)

    Used for CASH products (experimentation with at least TWS API 9.70 has shown no support for the other types)

    Receives a tick price event by looking at the BID prices, which according to the non-official Internet literature seems to be the way to track the CASH market prices.

    Timestamps are generated locally in the system. An offset to the IB Server time can be used if wished by the end user (calculated from IB reqCurrentTime)

    • tickString events (aka RTVolume (via IB reqMktData)

    Receives a OHLC/Volume snapshot from IB approx. every 250ms (or greater if no trading has happened)

    • RealTimeBars events (via IB reqRealTimeBars)

    Receives historical 5 seconds bars (duration fixed by IB) every 5 seconds

    If the chosen timeframe/combination is below the level Seconds/5 this feature will be automatically disabled.

    !!! note

      `RealTimeBars` do not work with the TWS Demo

    The default behavior is to use: tickString in most cases unless the user specifically wants to use RealTimeBars

  • Backfilling

    Unless the user requests to just do a historical download, the data feed will automatically backfill:

    • At the start: with the maximum possible duration. Example: for a Days/1 (timeframe/compression) combination the maximum default duration at IB is 1 year and this is the amount of time that will be backfilled

    • After a data disconnection: in this case the amount of data downloaded for the backfilling operation will be reduced to the minimum by looking at the latest data received before the disconnection.


Take into account that the final timeframe/compression combination taken into account may not be the one specified during data feed creation but during insertion in the system. See the following example:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='EUR.USD-CASH-IDEALPRO',
                       timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, compression=5)

cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Minutes, compression=2)

As should now be clear, the final timeframe/compression combination taken into account is Minutes/2

Data Contract Check

During the start phase, the data feed will try to download the details of the specified contract (see the reference for how to specify it). If no such contract is found or multiple matches are found, the data will refuse to carry on and will notify it to the system. Some examples.

Simple but unambiguous contract specification:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='TWTR')  # Twitter

Only one instance will be found (2016-06) because for the default type, STK, exchange SMART and currency (the default is none) a single contract trading in USD will be found.

A similar approach will fail with AAPL:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='AAPL')  # Error -> multiple contracts

Because SMART finds contracts in several real exchanges and AAPL trades in different currencies in some of them. The following is ok:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='AAPL-STK-SMART-USD')  # 1 contract found

Data Notifications

The data feed will report the current status via one or more of the following (check the Cerebro and Strategy reference)

  • Cerebro.notify_data (if overriden)n

  • A callback addded with Cerebro.adddatacb

  • Strategy.notify_data (if overriden)

An example inside the strategy:

class IBStrategy(bt.Strategy):

    def notify_data(self, data, status, *args, **kwargs):

        if status == data.LIVE:  # the data has switched to live data
           # do something

The following notifications will be sent following changes in the system:


    Sent on successful initial connection


    In this case retrieving the data is no longer possible and the data will indicate the system nothing can be done. Possible conditions:

    • Wrong contract specified

    • Interruption during historical download

    • Number of reconnection attempts to TWS exceeded


    Connectivity has been lost to either TWS or to the data farms. The data feed will try (via the store) to reconnect and backfill, when needed, and resume operations


    Contract and connection are ok, but the data cannot be retrieved due to lack of permissions.

    The data will indicate to the system that it cannot retrieve the data


    Signaled to indicate that a historical/backfilling operation are in progress and the data being processed by the strategy is not real-time data

  • LIVE

    Signaled to indicate that the data to be processed from this point onwards by the strategy is real-time data

Developers of strategies should consider which actions to undertake in cases like when a disconnection takes place or when receiving delayed data.

Data TimeFrames and Compressions

Data feeds in the backtrader ecosystem, support the timeframe and compression parameters during creation. These parameters are also accessible as attributes with data._timeframe and data._compression

The significance of timeframe/compression combinations has a specific purpose whenpassing the data to a cerebro instance via resampledata or replaydata, to let the internal resampler/replayer objects to understand what the intended target is. ._timeframe and ._compression will be overwritten in the data when resampled/replayed.

But in live data feeds on the other hand this information can play an important role. See the following example:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='EUR.USD-CASH-IDEALPRO',
                       compression=1,  # 1 is the default
                       rtbar=True,  # use RealTimeBars

The user is requesting tick data and this important because:

  • No backfilling will take place (the minimum unit supported by IB is Seconds/1)

  • Even if RealTimeBars are requested and supported by the dataname, they will not be used because the minimum resolution of a RealTimeBar is Seconds/5

In any case and unless working with a resolution of Ticks/1, the data has to be resampled/replayed. The case above with realtimebars and working:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='TWTR-STK-SMART', rtbar=True)
cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, compression=20)

In this case and as explained above, the ._timeframe and ._compression attributes of the data will be overwritten during resampledata. This is what will happen:

  • backfilling will happen requesting a resolution of Seconds/20

  • RealTimeBars will be used for real-time data because the resolution is equal/greater than Seconds/5 and the data supports is (is no CASH product)

  • Events to the system from TWS will happen at most every 5 seconds. This is possibly not important because the system will only send a bar to the strategy every 20 seconds.

The same without RealTimeBars:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='TWTR-STK-SMART')
cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, compression=20)

In this case:

  • backfilling will happen requesting a resolution of Seconds/20

  • tickString will be used for real-time data because (is no CASH product)

  • Events to the system from TWS will happen every at most every 250ms. This is possibly not important because the system will only send a bar to the strategy every 20 seconds.

Finally with a CASH product and up to 20 seconds:

data = ibstore.getdata(dataname='EUR.USD-CASH-IDEALPRO')
cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, compression=20)

In this case:

  • backfilling will happen requesting a resolution of Seconds/20

  • tickPrice will be used for real-time data because this is a cash product

    Even if rtbar=True is added

  • Events to the system from TWS will happen at most every 250ms. This is possibly not important because the system will only send a bar to the strategy every 20 seconds.

Time Management

The data feed will automatically determine the timezone from the ContractDetails object reported by TWS.


This requires that pytz be installed. If not installed the user should supply with the tz parameter to the data source a tzinfo compatible instance for the desired output timezone


If pytz is installed and the user feels the automatic timezone determination is not working, the tz parameter can contain a string with the name of the timezone. backtrader will try to instantiate a pytz.timezone with the given name

The reported datetime will be that of the timezone related to the product. Some examples:

  • Product: EuroStoxxx 50 in the Eurex (ticker: ESTX50-YYYYMM-DTB)

    The timezone will be CET (Central European Time) aka Europe/Berlin

  • Product: ES-Mini (ticker: ES-YYYYMM-GLOBEX)

    The timezone will be EST5EDT aka EST aka US/Eastern

  • Product: EUR.JPY forex pair (ticker EUR.JPY-CASH-IDEALPRO)

    The timezone will be EST5EDT aka EST aka US/Eastern

    Actually this is an Interactive Brokers setting, because Forex pairs trade almost 24 hours without interruption and as such there wouldn’t be a real timezone for them.

This behavior makes sure that trading remains consistent regardless of the actual location of the trader, given that the computer will most likely have the actual location timezone and not the timezone of the trading venue.

Please read the Time Management section of the manual.


The TWS Demo is not accurate at reporting timezones for assets for which no data download permissions are available (The EuroStoxx 50 future is an example of those cases)

Live Feeds and Resampling/Replaying

A design decision with regards to when to deliver bars for live feeds is:

  • Deliver them as much in real-time as possible

This may seem obvious and it is the case for a timeframe of Ticks, but if Resampling/Replaying play a role, delays can take place. Use case:

  • Resampling is configured to Seconds/5 with:

    cerebro.resampledata(data, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Seconds, compression=5)
  • A tick with time 23:05:27.325000 is delivered

  • Trading in the market is slow and the next tick is delivered at 23:05:59.025000

It may not seem obvious but backtrader doesn’t know that trading is very slow and the next tick will come in around 32 seconds later. With no provisions in place a resampled bar with time 23:05:30.000000 would be delivered around 29 seconds too late.

That’s why the live feed wakes up every x seconds (float value) to go to the Resampler/Replayer and let it know that no new data has come in. This is controlled with the parameter qcheck (default value: 0.5 seconds) when creating a live data feed.

That means that the resampler has a chance every qcheck seconds to deliver a bar if the local clock says, the resampling period is over. With this in place, the resampled bar for the scenario above (23:05:30.000000) would be delivered at most qcheck seconds after the reported time.

Because the default valus is 0.5 the latest time would be: 23:05:30.500000. That is almost 29 seconds earlier as before.

The drawback:

  • Some ticks may come in too late for the already delivered resampled/replayed bar

If after delivering, TWS gets a late message from the server with a timestamp of 23:05:29.995\000, this is simply too late for the already reported time to the system of23:05.30.000000`

This happens mostly if:

  • timeoffset is disabled (set to False) in IBStore\ and the time difference between the *IB reported time and the local clock is significant.

The best approach to avoid most of those late samples:

  • Increase the qcheck value, to allow for late messages to be taken into account:

    data = ibstore.getdata('TWTR', qcheck=2.0, ...)

This should add extra room, even if it delays the delivery of the resampled/replayed bar


Of course a delay of 2.0 seconds has a different significance for a resampling of Seconds/5 than for a resampling of Minutes/10

If for whatever reason the end-user wishes to disable timeoffset and not manage via qcheck, the late samples can still be taken:

  • Use _latethrough set to True as a parameter to getdata / IBData:

    data = ibstore.getdata('TWTR', _latethrough=True, ...)
  • Use takelate set to True when resampling/replaying:

    cerebro.resampledata(data, takelate=True)

IBBroker - Trading Live


Following a request a tradeid functionality was implemented in the broker simulation available in backtrader. This allows to keep track of trades being executed in paralled on the same asset correctly allocating commissions to the appropriate tradeid

Such notion is not supported in this live broker because commissions are reported by the broker at times at which it would be impossible to separate them for the different tradeid values.

tradeid can still be specified but it makes no longer sense.

Using the broker

To use the IB Broker, the standard broker simulation instance created by cerebro has to be replaced.

Using the Store model (preferred):

import backtrader as bt

cerebro = bt.Cerebro()
ibstore = bt.stores.IBStore(host='', port=7496, clientId=35) = ibstore.getbroker()  # or cerebro.setbroker(...)

Using the direct approach:

import backtrader as bt

cerebro = bt.Cerebro() = bt.brokers.IBBroker(host='', port=7496, clientId=35)

Broker Parameters

Be it directly or over getbroker the IBBroker broker supports no parameters. This is because the broker is just a proxy to the a real Broker. And what the real broker gives, shall not be taken away.

Some restrictions

Cash and Value reporting

Where the internal backtrader broker simulation makes a calculation of value (net liquidation value) and cash before calling the strategy next method, the same cannot be guaranteed with a live broker.

  • If the values were requested, the execution of next could be delayed until the answers arrive

  • The broker may not yet have calculated the values

backtrader tells TWS to provide the updated values as soon as they are changed (backtrader subscribes to accounUpdate messages), but it doesn’t know when the messages will arrive.

The values reported by the getcash and getvalue methods of IBBroker are always the latest values received from IB.


A further restriction is that the values are reported in the base currency of the account, even if values for more currencies are available. This is a design choise.


backtrader uses the Position (price and size) of an asset reported by TWS. Internal calculations could be used following order execution and order status messages, but if some of these messages were missed (sockets sometimes lose packets) the calculations would not follow.

Of course if upon connecting to TWS the asset on which trades will be executed already has an open position, the calculation of Trades made by the strategy will not work as usual because of the initial offset

Trading with it

There is no change with regards to the standard usage. Just use the methods available in the strategy (see the Strategy reference for a full explanation)

  • buy

  • sell

  • close

  • cancel

Order objects returned

  • Compatible with the backtrader Order objects (subclass in the same hierarchy)

Order Execution Types

IB supports a myriad of execution types, some of them simulated by IB and some of them supported by the exchange itself. The decision as to which order execution types to initially support has a motivation:

  • Compatibility with the broker simulation available in backtrader

    The reasoning being that what has been back-tested is what will go in production.

As such the order execution types are limited to the ones available in the broker simulation:

  • Order.Market

  • Order.Close

  • Order.Limit

  • Order.Stop (when the Stop is triggered a Market order follows)

  • Order.StopLimit (when the Stop is triggered a Limit order follows)


Stop triggering is done following different strategies by IB. backtrader does not modify the default setting which is 0:

0 - the default value. The "double bid/ask" method will be used for
orders for OTC stocks and US options. All other orders will use the
"last" method.

If the user wishes to modify this, extra **kwargs can be supplied to buy and sell following the IB documentation. For example inside the next method of a strategy:

def next(self):
    # some logic before, m_triggerMethod=2)

This has changed the policy to 2 (“last” method, where stop orders are triggered based on the last price.)

Please consult the IB API docs for any further clarification on stop triggering

Order Validity

The same validity notion available during backtesting (with valid to buy and sell) is available and with the same meaning. As such, the valid parameter is translated as follows for IB Orders for the following values:

  • None -> GTC (Good Til Cancelled)

    Because no validity has been specified it is understood that the order must be valid until cancelled

  • datetime/date translates to GTD (Good Til Date)

    Passing a datetime.datetime/ instance indicates the order must be valid until a given point in time.

  • timedelta(x) translates to GTD (here timedelta(x) != timedelta())

    This is interpreted as a signal to have an order be valid from now + timedelta(x)

  • float translates to GTD

    If the value has been taken from the raw float datetime storage used by backtrader the order must valid until the datetime indicated by that float

  • timedelta() or 0 translates to DAY

    A value has been (instead of None) but is Null and is interpreted as an order valid for the current day (session)


The standard Order status will be notified to a strategy over the method notify_order (if overridden)

  • Submitted - the order has been sent to TWS

  • Accepted - the order has been placed

  • Rejected - order placement failed or was cancelled by the system during its lifetime

  • Partial - a partial execution has taken place

  • Completed - the order has been fully executed

  • Canceled (or Cancelled)

    This has several meanings under IB:

    • Manual User Cancellation

    • The Server/Exchange cancelled the order

    • Order Validity expired

      An heuristic will be applied and if an openOrder message has been received from TWS with an orderState indicating PendingCancel or Canceled, then the order will be marked as Expired

  • Expired - See above for the explanation



class backtrader.stores.IBStore()

Singleton class wrapping an ibpy ibConnection instance.

The parameters can also be specified in the classes which use this store, like IBData and IBBroker


  • host (default: where IB TWS or IB Gateway are actually running. And although this will usually be the localhost, it must not be

  • port (default: 7496): port to connect to. The demo system uses 7497

  • clientId (default: None): which clientId to use to connect to TWS.

    None: generates a random id between 1 and 65535 An integer: will be passed as the value to use.

  • notifyall (default: False)

    If False only error messages will be sent to the notify_store methods of Cerebro and Strategy.

    If True, each and every message received from TWS will be notified

  • _debug (default: False)

    Print all messages received from TWS to standard output

  • reconnect (default: 3)

    Number of attempts to try to reconnect after the 1st connection attempt fails

    Set it to a -1 value to keep on reconnecting forever

  • timeout (default: 3.0)

    Time in seconds between reconnection attemps

  • timeoffset (default: True)

    If True, the time obtained from reqCurrentTime (IB Server time) will be used to calculate the offset to localtime and this offset will be used for the price notifications (tickPrice events, for example for CASH markets) to modify the locally calculated timestamp.

    The time offset will propagate to other parts of the backtrader ecosystem like the resampling to align resampling timestamps using the calculated offset.

  • timerefresh (default: 60.0)

    Time in seconds: how often the time offset has to be refreshed

  • indcash (default: True)

    Manage IND codes as if they were cash for price retrieval


class backtrader.brokers.IBBroker(**kwargs)

Broker implementation for Interactive Brokers.

This class maps the orders/positions from Interactive Brokers to the internal API of backtrader.


  • tradeid is not really supported, because the profit and loss are taken directly from IB. Because (as expected) calculates it in FIFO manner, the pnl is not accurate for the tradeid.

  • Position

If there is an open position for an asset at the beginning of operaitons or orders given by other means change a position, the trades calculated in the Strategy in cerebro will not reflect the reality.

To avoid this, this broker would have to do its own position management which would also allow tradeid with multiple ids (profit and loss would also be calculated locally), but could be considered to be defeating the purpose of working with a live broker


class backtrader.feeds.IBData(**kwargs)

Interactive Brokers Data Feed.

Supports the following contract specifications in parameter dataname:

  • TICKER # Stock type and SMART exchange

  • TICKER-STK # Stock and SMART exchange



  • TICKER-CFD # CFD and SMART exchange



















  • sectype (default: STK)

    Default value to apply as security type if not provided in the dataname specification

  • exchange (default: SMART)

    Default value to apply as exchange if not provided in the dataname specification

  • currency (default: '')

    Default value to apply as currency if not provided in the dataname specification

  • historical (default: False)

    If set to True the data feed will stop after doing the first download of data.

    The standard data feed parameters fromdate and todate will be used as reference.

    The data feed will make multiple requests if the requested duration is larger than the one allowed by IB given the timeframe/compression chosen for the data.

  • what (default: None)

    If None the default for different assets types will be used for historical data requests:

    • ‘BID’ for CASH assets

    • ‘TRADES’ for any other

    Check the IB API docs if another value is wished

  • rtbar (default: False)

    If True the 5 Seconds Realtime bars provided by Interactive Brokers will be used as the smalles tick. According to the documentation they correspond to real-time values (once collated and curated by IB)

    If False then the RTVolume prices will be used, which are based on receiving ticks. In the case of CASH assets (like for example EUR.JPY) RTVolume will always be used and from it the bid price (industry de-facto standard with IB according to the literature scattered over the Internet)

    Even if set to True, if the data is resampled/kept to a timeframe/compression below Seconds/5, no real time bars will be used, because IB doesn’t serve them below that level

  • qcheck (default: 0.5)

    Time in seconds to wake up if no data is received to give a chance to resample/replay packets properly and pass notifications up the chain

  • backfill_start (default: True)

    Perform backfilling at the start. The maximum possible historical data will be fetched in a single request.

  • backfill (default: True)

    Perform backfilling after a disconnection/reconnection cycle. The gap duration will be used to download the smallest possible amount of data

  • backfill_from (default: None)

    An additional data source can be passed to do an initial layer of backfilling. Once the data source is depleted and if requested, backfilling from IB will take place. This is ideally meant to backfill from already stored sources like a file on disk, but not limited to.

  • latethrough (default: False)

    If the data source is resampled/replayed, some ticks may come in too late for the already delivered resampled/replayed bar. If this is True those ticks will bet let through in any case.

    Check the Resampler documentation to see who to take those ticks into account.

    This can happen especially if timeoffset is set to False in the IBStore instance and the TWS server time is not in sync with that of the local computer

  • tradename (default: None) Useful for some specific cases like CFD in which prices are offered by one asset and trading happens in a different onel

    • SPY-STK-SMART-USD -> SP500 ETF (will be specified as dataname)

    • SPY-CFD-SMART-USD -> which is the corresponding CFD which offers not price tracking but in this case will be the trading asset (specified as tradename)

The default values in the params are the to allow things like \TICKER, to which the parametersectype(default:STK) andexchange(default:SMART`) are applied.

Some assets like AAPL need full specification including currency (default: ‘’) whereas others like TWTR can be simply passed as it is.

  • AAPL-STK-SMART-USD would be the full specification for dataname

    Or else: IBData as IBData(dataname='AAPL', currency='USD') which uses the default values (STK and SMART) and overrides the currency to be USD