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Canonical vs Non-Canonical Indicators

The question has shown up several times more or less like this:

  • How is this or that best/canonically implemented with backtrader?

Being one of the goals of backtrader to be flexible to support as many situations and use cases as possible, the answer is easy: "In at least a couple of ways". Summarized for indicators, for which the question most often happens:

  • 100% declarative in the __init__ method

  • 100% step-by-step in the next method

  • Mixing both of the above for complex scenarios in which the declarative part cannot cover all needed calculations

A quick view of the built-in indicators in backtrader reveals that all of them are implemented in a declarative manner. The reasons

  1. Easier to do

  2. Easier to read

  3. More elegant

  4. Vectorized and even-based implementations are automatically managed

What ?!?! Auto-implemented Vectorization??

Yes. If an indicator is implemented entirely inside the __init_ method, the magic of metaclasses and operator overloading in Python will deliver the following

  • A vectorized implementation (default setting when running a backtest)

  • An event-based implementation (for example for live trading)

On the other hand and if any part of an indicator which is implemented in the next method:

  • This is the code directly used for an event-based run.

  • Vectorization will be simulated by calling the next method in the background for each data point


    This means that even if a particular indicator does not have a vectorized implementation, all others which have it, will still run vectorized

Money Flow Index: an Example

Community User @Rodrigo Brito posted a version of the "Money Flow Index" indicator which used the next method for the implementation.

The code

class MFI(bt.Indicator):
    lines = ('mfi', 'money_flow_raw', 'typical', 'money_flow_pos', 'money_flow_neg')

    plotlines = dict(

    params = (
        ('period', 14),

    def next(self):
        typical_price = ([0] +[0] +[0]) / 3
        money_flow_raw = typical_price *[0]

        self.lines.typical[0] = typical_price
        self.lines.money_flow_raw[0] = money_flow_raw

        self.lines.money_flow_pos[0] = money_flow_raw if self.lines.typical[0] >= self.lines.typical[-1] else 0
        self.lines.money_flow_neg[0] = money_flow_raw if self.lines.typical[0] <= self.lines.typical[-1] else 0

        pos_period = math.fsum(self.lines.money_flow_pos.get(size=self.p.period))
        neg_period = math.fsum(self.lines.money_flow_neg.get(size=self.p.period))

        if neg_period == 0:
            self.lines.mfi[0] = 100

        self.lines.mfi[0] =  100 - 100 / (1 +  pos_period / neg_period)


Kept as originally posted including the long lines for which one has to scroll horizontally

@Rodrigo Brito already notices that the usage of temporary lines is (all lines except mfi) is something which probably admits optimization. Indeed, but in the humble opinion of the author*, actually everything does admit a bit of optimization.

To have common working grounds, one can use the "Money Flow Index" definition by StockCharts and see that the implementation above is good. Here is the link:

With that in the hand, a quick Canonical implementation of the MFI indicator

class MFI_Canonical(bt.Indicator):
    lines = ('mfi',)
    params = dict(period=14)

    def __init__(self):
        tprice = ( + + / 3.0
        mfraw = tprice *

        flowpos = bt.ind.SumN(mfraw * (tprice > tprice(-1)), period=self.p.period)
        flowneg = bt.ind.SumN(mfraw * (tprice < tprice(-1)), period=self.p.period)

        mfiratio = bt.ind.DivByZero(flowpos, flowneg, zero=100.0)
        self.l.mfi = 100.0 - 100.0 / (1.0 + mfiratio)

One should be able to immediately notice

  • A single line mfi is defined. No temporaries are there.

  • Things seem cleaner with no need for [0] array indexing

  • No single if here or there

  • More compact whilst more readable

Should one plot a graph of both run against the same data set, it would look like this


The chart shows that both the Canonical and Non-Canonical versions show the same values and development, except at the beginning.

  • The Non-Canonical version is delivering values from the very start

  • It is delivering non-meaningful values (100.0 until it deliver 1 extra value which is also not good) because it cannot properly deliver

In contrast:

  • The Canonical version automatically starts delivering values after the minimum warm-up period has been reached.

  • No human intervention has been needed (it must for sure be "Articifial Intelligence" or "Machine Learning", ... pun intended)

See a close-up picture of the affected area

MFI Start Close up


One could of course try to alleviate this situation in the Non-Canonical version by doing this:

  • Subclassing from bt.ind.PeriodN which already has a period param and knows what to do with it (and calling super during __init__)

Notice also that the Canonical version does also account, like the step-by-step next code for a possible division-by-zero situation in the formula.

        if neg_period == 0:
            self.lines.mfi[0] = 100

        self.lines.mfi[0] =  100 - 100 / (1 +  pos_period / neg_period)

whereas this is the other way to do it

        mfiratio = bt.ind.DivByZero(flowpos, flowneg, zero=100.0)
        self.l.mfi = 100.0 - 100.0 / (1.0 + mfiratio)

Instead of having many lines, a return statement and different assignments to the output line, there is s single declaration of the mfiratio calculation and a single assignment (following the StockCharts formula) to the output line mfi.


Hopefully, this sheds some light as to what the differences can be when implementing something in the Canonical (i.e.: declarative in __init_) or Non-Canonical way (step by step with array indexing in next)