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A Cerebro instance is the pumping heart and controlling brain of backtrader. A Strategy is the same for the platform user.

The Strategy’s expressed lifecycle in methods


A strategy can be interrupted during birth by raising a StrategySkipError exception from the module backtrader.errors

This will avoid going through the strategy during a backtesting. See the section Exceptions

  1. Conception: __init__

    This is obviously invoked during instantiation: indicators will be created here and other needed attribute. Example:

    def __init__(self):
        self.sma = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(period=15)
  2. Birth: start

    The world (cerebro) tells the strategy is time to start kicking. A default empty method exists.

  3. Childhood: prenext

    indicators declared during conception will have put constraints on how long the strategy needs to mature: this is called the minimum period. Above __init__ created a SimpleMovingAverage with a period=15.

    As long as the system has seen less than 15 bars, prenext will be called (the default implementation is a no-op)

  4. Adulthood: next

    Once the system has seen 15 bars and the SimpleMovingAverage has a buffer large enough to start producing values, the strategy is mature enough to really execute.

    There is a nextstart method which is called exactly once, to mark the switch from prenext to next. The default implementation of nextstart is to simply call next

  5. Reproduction: None

    Ok, strategies do not really reproduce. But in a sense they do, because the system will instantiate them several times if optimizing (with different parameters)

  6. Death: stop

    The system tells the strategy the time to come to a reset and put things in order has come. A default empty method exists.

In most cases and for regular usage patterns this will look like:

class MyStrategy(bt.Strategy):

    def __init__(self):
        self.sma = btind.SimpleMovingAverage(period=15)

    def next(self):
        if self.sma >
            # Do something

        elif self.sma <
            # Do something else

In this snippet:

  • During __init__ an attribute is assigned an indicator

  • The default empty start method is not overriden

  • prenext and nexstart are not overriden

  • In next the value of the indicator is compared against the closing price to do something

  • The default empty stop method is not overriden

Strategies, like a trader in the real world, will get notified when events take place. Actually once per next cycle in the backtesting process. The strategy will:

  • be notified through notify_order(order) of any status change in an order

  • be notified through notify_trade(trade) of any opening/updating/closing trade

  • be notified through notify_cashvalue(cash, value) of the current cash and portfolio in the broker

  • be notified through notify_fund(cash, value, fundvalue, shares) of the current cash and portfolio in the broker and tradking of fundvalue and shares

  • Events (implementation specific) via notify_store(msg, *args, **kwargs)

    See Cerebro for an explanation on the store notifications. These will delivered to the strategy even if they have also been delivered to a cerebro instance (with an overriden notify_store method or via a callback)

And Strategies also like traders have the chance to operate in the market during the next method to try to achieve profit with

  • the buy method to go long or reduce/close a short position

  • the sell method to go short or reduce/close a long position

  • the close method to obviously close an existing position

  • the cancel method to cancel a not yet executed order

How to Buy/Sell/Close

The Buy and Sell methods generate orders. When invoked they return an Order (or subclass) instance that can be used as a reference. This order has a unique ref identifier that can be used for comparison


Subclasses of Order for speficic broker implementations may carry additional unique identifiers provided by the broker.

To create the order use the following parameters:

  • data (default: None)

    For which data the order has to be created. If None then the first data in the system, self.datas[0] or self.data0 (aka will be used

  • size (default: None)

    Size to use (positive) of units of data to use for the order.

    If None the sizer instance retrieved via getsizer will be used to determine the size.

  • price (default: None)

    Price to use (live brokers may place restrictions on the actual format if it does not comply to minimum tick size requirements)

    None is valid for Market and Close orders (the market determines the price)

    For Limit, Stop and StopLimit orders this value determines the trigger point (in the case of Limit the trigger is obviously at which price the order should be matched)

  • plimit (default: None)

    Only applicable to StopLimit orders. This is the price at which to set the implicit Limit order, once the Stop has been triggered (for which price has been used)

  • exectype (default: None)

    Possible values:

    • Order.Market or None. A market order will be executed with the next available price. In backtesting it will be the opening price of the next bar

    • Order.Limit. An order which can only be executed at the given price or better

    • Order.Stop. An order which is triggered at price and executed like an Order.Market order

    • Order.StopLimit. An order which is triggered at price and executed as an implicit Limit order with price given by pricelimit

  • valid (default: None)

    Possible values:

    • None: this generates an order that will not expire (aka Good til cancel) and remain in the market until matched or canceled. In reality brokers tend to impose a temporal limit, but this is usually so far away in time to consider it as not expiring

    • datetime.datetime or instance: the date will be used to generate an order valid until the given datetime (aka good til date)

    • Order.DAY or 0 or timedelta(): a day valid until the End of the Session (aka day order) will be generated

    • numeric value: This is assumed to be a value corresponding to a datetime in matplotlib coding (the one used by backtrader) and will used to generate an order valid until that time (good til date)

  • tradeid (default: 0)

    This is an internal value applied by backtrader to keep track of overlapping trades on the same asset. This tradeid is sent back to the strategy when notifying changes to the status of the orders.

  • **kwargs: additional broker implementations may support extra parameters. backtrader will pass the kwargs down to the created order objects

    Example: if the 4 order execution types directly supported by backtrader are not enough, in the case of for example Interactive Brokers the following could be passed as kwargs:

    orderType='LIT', lmtPrice=10.0, auxPrice=9.8

    This would override the settings created by backtrader and generate a LIMIT IF TOUCHED order with a touched price of 9.8 and a limit price of 10.0.

Information Bits:

  • A Strategy has a length which is always equal to that of the main data (datas[0]) and can of course be gotten with len(self)

    next can be called without changes in length if data is being replayed or a live feed is being passed and new ticks for the same point in time (length) are arriving

Member Attributes:

  • env: the cerebro entity in which this Strategy lives

  • datas: array of data feeds which have been passed to cerebro

    • data/data0 is an alias for datas[0]

    • dataX is an alias for datas[X]

    data feeds can also be accessed by name (see the reference) if one has been assigned to it

  • dnames: an alternative to reach the data feeds by name (either with [name] or with .name notation)

    For example if resampling a data like this:

    data0 = bt.feeds.YahooFinanceData(datname='YHOO', fromdate=..., name='days')
    cerebro.resampledata(data0, timeframe=bt.TimeFrame.Weeks, name='weeks')

    Later in the strategy one can create indicators on each like this:

    smadays = bt.ind.SMA(self.dnames.days, period=30)  # or self.dnames['days']
    smaweeks = bt.ind.SMA(self.dnames.weeks, period=10)  # or self.dnames['weeks']
  • broker: reference to the broker associated to this strategy (received from cerebro)

  • stats: list/named tuple-like sequence holding the Observers created by cerebro for this strategy

  • analyzers: list/named tuple-like sequence holding the Analyzers created by cerebro for this strategy

  • position: actually a property which gives the current position for data0.

    Methods to retrieve all possitions are available (see the reference)

Member Attributes (meant for statistics/observers/analyzers):

  • _orderspending: list of orders which will be notified to the strategy before next is called

  • _tradespending: list of trades which will be notified to the strategy before next is called

  • _orders: list of order which have been already notified. An order can be several times in the list with different statuses and different execution bits. The list is menat to keep the history.

  • _trades: list of order which have been already notified. A trade can be several times in the list just like an order.


Bear in mind that prenext, nextstart and next can be called several times for the same point in time (ticks updating prices for the daily bar, when a daily timeframe is in use)

Reference: Strategy

class backtrader.Strategy(*args, **kwargs)

Base class to be subclassed for user defined strategies.


This method will be called for all remaining data points when the minimum period for all datas/indicators have been meet.


This method will be called once, exactly when the minimum period for all datas/indicators have been meet. The default behavior is to call next


This method will be called before the minimum period of all datas/indicators have been meet for the strategy to start executing


Called right before the backtesting is about to be started.


Called right before the backtesting is about to be stopped


Receives an order whenever there has been a change in one


Receives a trade whenever there has been a change in one

notify_cashvalue(cash, value)

Receives the current fund value, value status of the strategy’s broker

notify_fund(cash, value, fundvalue, shares)

Receives the current cash, value, fundvalue and fund shares

notify_store(msg, *args, **kwargs)

Receives a notification from a store provider

buy(data=None, size=None, price=None, plimit=None, exectype=None, valid=None, tradeid=0, oco=None, trailamount=None, trailpercent=None, parent=None, transmit=True, **kwargs)

Create a buy (long) order and send it to the broker

  • data (default: None)

    For which data the order has to be created. If None then the first data in the system, self.datas[0] or self.data0 (aka will be used

  • size (default: None)

    Size to use (positive) of units of data to use for the order.

    If None the sizer instance retrieved via getsizer will be used to determine the size.

  • price (default: None)

    Price to use (live brokers may place restrictions on the actual format if it does not comply to minimum tick size requirements)

    None is valid for Market and Close orders (the market determines the price)

    For Limit, Stop and StopLimit orders this value determines the trigger point (in the case of Limit the trigger is obviously at which price the order should be matched)

  • plimit (default: None)

    Only applicable to StopLimit orders. This is the price at which to set the implicit Limit order, once the Stop has been triggered (for which price has been used)

  • trailamount (default: None)

    If the order type is StopTrail or StopTrailLimit, this is an absolute amount which determines the distance to the price (below for a Sell order and above for a buy order) to keep the trailing stop

  • trailpercent (default: None)

    If the order type is StopTrail or StopTrailLimit, this is a percentage amount which determines the distance to the price (below for a Sell order and above for a buy order) to keep the trailing stop (if trailamount is also specified it will be used)

  • exectype (default: None)

    Possible values:

    • Order.Market or None. A market order will be executed with the next available price. In backtesting it will be the opening price of the next bar

    • Order.Limit. An order which can only be executed at the given price or better

    • Order.Stop. An order which is triggered at price and executed like an Order.Market order

    • Order.StopLimit. An order which is triggered at price and executed as an implicit Limit order with price given by pricelimit

    • Order.Close. An order which can only be executed with the closing price of the session (usually during a closing auction)

    • Order.StopTrail. An order which is triggered at price minus trailamount (or trailpercent) and which is updated if the price moves away from the stop

    • Order.StopTrailLimit. An order which is triggered at price minus trailamount (or trailpercent) and which is updated if the price moves away from the stop

  • valid (default: None)

    Possible values:

    • None: this generates an order that will not expire (aka Good till cancel) and remain in the market until matched or canceled. In reality brokers tend to impose a temporal limit, but this is usually so far away in time to consider it as not expiring

    • datetime.datetime or instance: the date will be used to generate an order valid until the given datetime (aka good till date)

    • Order.DAY or 0 or timedelta(): a day valid until the End of the Session (aka day order) will be generated

    • numeric value: This is assumed to be a value corresponding to a datetime in matplotlib coding (the one used by backtrader) and will used to generate an order valid until that time (good till date)

  • tradeid (default: 0)

    This is an internal value applied by backtrader to keep track of overlapping trades on the same asset. This tradeid is sent back to the strategy when notifying changes to the status of the orders.

  • oco (default: None)

    Another order instance. This order will become part of an OCO (Order Cancel Others) group. The execution of one of the orders, immediately cancels all others in the same group

  • parent (default: None)

    Controls the relationship of a group of orders, for example a buy which is bracketed by a high-side limit sell and a low side stop sell. The high/low side orders remain inactive until the parent order has been either executed (they become active) or is canceled/expires (the children are also canceled) bracket orders have the same size

  • transmit (default: True)

    Indicates if the order has to be transmitted, ie: not only placed in the broker but also issued. This is meant for example to control bracket orders, in which one disables the transmission for the parent and 1st set of children and activates it for the last children, which triggers the full placement of all bracket orders.

  • **kwargs: additional broker implementations may support extra parameters. backtrader will pass the kwargs down to the created order objects

    Example: if the 4 order execution types directly supported by backtrader are not enough, in the case of for example Interactive Brokers the following could be passed as kwargs:

    orderType='LIT', lmtPrice=10.0, auxPrice=9.8

    This would override the settings created by backtrader and generate a LIMIT IF TOUCHED order with a touched price of 9.8 and a limit price of 10.0.

  • Returns

    • the submitted order

sell(data=None, size=None, price=None, plimit=None, exectype=None, valid=None, tradeid=0, oco=None, trailamount=None, trailpercent=None, parent=None, transmit=True, **kwargs)

To create a selll (short) order and send it to the broker

See the documentation for buy for an explanation of the parameters

Returns: the submitted order

close(data=None, size=None, **kwargs)

Counters a long/short position closing it

See the documentation for buy for an explanation of the parameters


  • size: automatically calculated from the existing position if not provided (default: None) by the caller

Returns: the submitted order


Cancels the order in the broker

buy_bracket(data=None, size=None, price=None, plimit=None, exectype=2, valid=None, tradeid=0, trailamount=None, trailpercent=None, oargs={}, stopprice=None, stopexec=3, stopargs={}, limitprice=None, limitexec=2, limitargs={}, **kwargs)

Create a bracket order group (low side - buy order - high side). The default behavior is as follows:

  • Issue a buy order with execution Limit

  • Issue a low side bracket sell order with execution Stop

  • Issue a high side bracket sell order with execution Limit.

See below for the different parameters

  • data (default: None)

    For which data the order has to be created. If None then the first data in the system, self.datas[0] or self.data0 (aka will be used

  • size (default: None)

    Size to use (positive) of units of data to use for the order.

    If None the sizer instance retrieved via getsizer will be used to determine the size.


    The same size is applied to all 3 orders of the bracket

  • price (default: None)

    Price to use (live brokers may place restrictions on the actual format if it does not comply to minimum tick size requirements)

    None is valid for Market and Close orders (the market determines the price)

    For Limit, Stop and StopLimit orders this value determines the trigger point (in the case of Limit the trigger is obviously at which price the order should be matched)

  • plimit (default: None)

    Only applicable to StopLimit orders. This is the price at which to set the implicit Limit order, once the Stop has been triggered (for which price has been used)

  • trailamount (default: None)

    If the order type is StopTrail or StopTrailLimit, this is an absolute amount which determines the distance to the price (below for a Sell order and above for a buy order) to keep the trailing stop

  • trailpercent (default: None)

    If the order type is StopTrail or StopTrailLimit, this is a percentage amount which determines the distance to the price (below for a Sell order and above for a buy order) to keep the trailing stop (if trailamount is also specified it will be used)

  • exectype (default: bt.Order.Limit)

    Possible values: (see the documentation for the method buy

  • valid (default: None)

    Possible values: (see the documentation for the method buy

  • tradeid (default: 0)

    Possible values: (see the documentation for the method buy

  • oargs (default: {})

    Specific keyword arguments (in a dict) to pass to the main side order. Arguments from the default **kwargs will be applied on top of this.

  • **kwargs: additional broker implementations may support extra parameters. backtrader will pass the kwargs down to the created order objects

    Possible values: (see the documentation for the method buy


    This kwargs will be applied to the 3 orders of a bracket. See below for specific keyword arguments for the low and high side orders

  • stopprice (default: None)

    Specific price for the low side stop order

  • stopexec (default: bt.Order.Stop)

    Specific execution type for the low side order

  • stopargs (default: {})

    Specific keyword arguments (in a dict) to pass to the low side order. Arguments from the default **kwargs will be applied on top of this.

  • limitprice (default: None)

    Specific price for the high side stop order

  • stopexec (default: bt.Order.Limit)

    Specific execution type for the high side order

  • limitargs (default: {})

    Specific keyword arguments (in a dict) to pass to the high side order. Arguments from the default **kwargs will be applied on top of this.

High/Low Side orders can be suppressed by using:

  • limitexec=None to suppress the high side

  • stopexec=None to suppress the low side

  • Returns

    • A list containing the 3 orders [order, stop side, limit side]

    • If high/low orders have been suppressed the return value will still contain 3 orders, but those suppressed will have a value of None

sell_bracket(data=None, size=None, price=None, plimit=None, exectype=2, valid=None, tradeid=0, trailamount=None, trailpercent=None, oargs={}, stopprice=None, stopexec=3, stopargs={}, limitprice=None, limitexec=2, limitargs={}, **kwargs)

Create a bracket order group (low side - buy order - high side). The default behavior is as follows:

  • Issue a sell order with execution Limit

  • Issue a high side bracket buy order with execution Stop

  • Issue a low side bracket buy order with execution Limit.

See bracket_buy for the meaning of the parameters

High/Low Side orders can be suppressed by using:

  • stopexec=None to suppress the high side

  • limitexec=None to suppress the low side

  • Returns

    • A list containing the 3 orders [order, stop side, limit side]

    • If high/low orders have been suppressed the return value will still contain 3 orders, but those suppressed will have a value of None

order_target_size(data=None, target=0, **kwargs)

Place an order to rebalance a position to have final size of target

The current position size is taken into account as the start point to achieve target

  • If target > pos.size -> buy target - pos.size

  • If target < pos.size -> sell pos.size - target

It returns either:

  • The generated order


  • None if no order has been issued (target == position.size)

order_target_value(data=None, target=0.0, price=None, **kwargs)

Place an order to rebalance a position to have final value of target

The current value is taken into account as the start point to achieve target

  • If no target then close postion on data

  • If target > value then buy on data

  • If target < value then sell on data

It returns either:

  • The generated order


  • None if no order has been issued

order_target_percent(data=None, target=0.0, **kwargs)

Place an order to rebalance a position to have final value of target percentage of current portfolio value

target is expressed in decimal: 0.05 -> 5%

It uses order_target_value to execute the order.


  • target=0.05 and portfolio value is 100

  • The value to be reached is 0.05 * 100 = 5

  • 5 is passed as the target value to order_target_value

The current value is taken into account as the start point to achieve target

The position.size is used to determine if a position is long / short

  • If target > value

    • buy if pos.size >= 0 (Increase a long position)
    • sell if pos.size < 0 (Increase a short position)
  • If target < value

    • sell if pos.size >= 0 (Decrease a long position)
    • buy if pos.size < 0 (Decrease a short position)

It returns either:

  • The generated order


  • None if no order has been issued (target == position.size)


Returns the sizer which is in used if automatic statke calculation is used

Also available as sizer


Replace the default (fixed stake) sizer

getsizing(data=None, isbuy=True)

Return the stake calculated by the sizer instance for the current situation

getposition(data=None, broker=None)

Returns the current position for a given data in a given broker.

If both are None, the main data and the default broker will be used

A property position is also available

getpositionbyname(name=None, broker=None)

Returns the current position for a given name in a given broker.

If both are None, the main data and the default broker will be used

A property positionbyname is also available


Returns the current by name positions directly from the broker

If the given broker is None, the default broker will be used

A property positionsbyname is also available


Returns a list of the existing data names


Returns a given data by name using the environment (cerebro)

add_timer(when, offset=datetime.timedelta(0), repeat=datetime.timedelta(0), weekdays=[], weekcarry=False, monthdays=[], monthcarry=True, allow=None, tzdata=None, cheat=False, *args, **kwargs)


Can be called during __init__ or start

Schedules a timer to invoke either a specified callback or the notify_timer of one or more strategies.

  • Parameters

    when (-) – can be

    • datetime.time instance (see below tzdata)

    • bt.timer.SESSION_START to reference a session start

    • bt.timer.SESSION_END to reference a session end

    • offset which must be a datetime.timedelta instance

    Used to offset the value when. It has a meaningful use in combination with SESSION_START and SESSION_END, to indicated things like a timer being called 15 minutes after the session start.

    • repeat which must be a datetime.timedelta instance

      Indicates if after a 1st call, further calls will be scheduled within the same session at the scheduled repeat delta

      Once the timer goes over the end of the session it is reset to the original value for when

    • weekdays: a sorted iterable with integers indicating on which days (iso codes, Monday is 1, Sunday is 7) the timers can be actually invoked

      If not specified, the timer will be active on all days

    • weekcarry (default: False). If True and the weekday was not seen (ex: trading holiday), the timer will be executed on the next day (even if in a new week)

    • monthdays: a sorted iterable with integers indicating on which days of the month a timer has to be executed. For example always on day 15 of the month

      If not specified, the timer will be active on all days

    • monthcarry (default: True). If the day was not seen (weekend, trading holiday), the timer will be executed on the next available day.

    • allow (default: None). A callback which receives a` instance and returns True if the date is allowed for timers or else returns False

    • tzdata which can be either None (default), a pytz instance or a data feed instance.

      None: when is interpreted at face value (which translates to handling it as if it where UTC even if it’s not)

      pytz instance: when will be interpreted as being specified in the local time specified by the timezone instance.

      data feed instance: when will be interpreted as being specified in the local time specified by the tz parameter of the data feed instance.


      If when is either SESSION_START or SESSION_END and tzdata is None, the 1st data feed in the system (aka self.data0) will be used as the reference to find out the session times.

    • cheat (default False) if True the timer will be called before the broker has a chance to evaluate the orders. This opens the chance to issue orders based on opening price for example right before the session starts

    • *args: any extra args will be passed to notify_timer

    • **kwargs: any extra kwargs will be passed to notify_timer

Return Value:

  • The created timer

notify_timer(timer, when, *args, **kwargs)

Receives a timer notification where timer is the timer which was returned by add_timer, and when is the calling time. args and kwargs are any additional arguments passed to add_timer

The actual when time can be later, but the system may have not be able to call the timer before. This value is the timer value and no the system time.