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One of the design goals was to quit as early as possible and let the users have full transparency of what was happening with errors. With the goal to force oneself to have code that would break on exceptions and forced revisiting the affected part.

But the time has come and some exceptions may slowly get added to the platform.


The base class for all exceptions is BacktraderError (which is a direct subclass of Exception)


  1. Inside the module errors which can be reached as in for example:

    import backtrader as bt
    class Strategy(bt.Strategy):
        def __init__(self):
            if something_goes_wrong():
                raise bt.errors.StrategySkipError
  2. Directly from backtrader as in:

    import backtrader as bt
    class Strategy(bt.Strategy):
        def __init__(self):
            if something_goes_wrong():
                raise bt.StrategySkipError



Requests the platform to skip this strategy for backtesting. To be raised during the initialization (__init__) phase of the instance