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Automating BackTesting

So far all backtrader examples and working samples have started from scratch creating a main Python module which loads datas, strategies, observers and prepares cash and commission schemes.

One of the goals of algorithmic trading is the automation of trading and given that backtrader is a backtesting platform intented to check trading algorithms (hence is an algotrading platform), automating the use of backtrader was an obvious goal.

When installed backtrader provides 2 entry points in the form of scripts/executables which which automates most tasks:

  • bt-run-py a script which uses the codebase from the next item


  • btrun (executable)

    Entry point created by setuptools during packaging. The executable offers advantages under Windows where in theory no errors about “path/file not found” will happen.

The description below applies equally to both tools.

btrun allows the end user to:

  • Say which data feeds have to be loaded

  • Set the format to load the datas

  • Specify the date range for the datas

  • Pass parameters to Cerebro

    • Disable standard observers

    This was an original extra switch before the “Cerebro” parameters were implemented. As such and if a parameter to cerebro with regards to Standard Observers is passed, this will be ignored (parameter stdstats to Cerebro)

  • Load one or more observers (example: DrawDown) from the built-in ones or from a python module

  • Set the cash and commission scheme parameters for the broker (commission, margin, mult)

  • Enable plotting, controlling the amount of charts and style to present the data

  • Add a parametrized writer to the system

And finally what should be the core competence:

  • Load a strategy (a built-in one or from a Python module)

  • Pass parameters to the loaded strategy

See below for the Usage of the script.

Applying a User Defined Strategy

Let’s consider the following strategy which:

  • Simply loads a SimpleMovingAverage (default period 15)

  • Prints outs

  • Is in a file named

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import backtrader as bt
import backtrader.indicators as btind

class MyTest(bt.Strategy):
    params = (('period', 15),)

    def log(self, txt, dt=None):
        ''' Logging function fot this strategy'''
        dt = dt or[0]
        if isinstance(dt, float):
            dt = bt.num2date(dt)
        print('%s, %s' % (dt.isoformat(), txt))

    def __init__(self):
        sma = btind.SMA(period=self.p.period)

    def next(self):
        ltxt = '%d, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f, %.2f'

        self.log(ltxt %

Executing the strategy with the usual testing sample is easy: easy:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \

The chart output


The console output:

2006-01-20T23:59:59+00:00, 15, 3593.16, 3612.37, 3550.80, 3550.80, 0.00, 0.00
2006-01-23T23:59:59+00:00, 16, 3550.24, 3550.24, 3515.07, 3544.31, 0.00, 0.00
2006-01-24T23:59:59+00:00, 17, 3544.78, 3553.16, 3526.37, 3532.68, 0.00, 0.00
2006-01-25T23:59:59+00:00, 18, 3532.72, 3578.00, 3532.72, 3578.00, 0.00, 0.00
2006-12-22T23:59:59+00:00, 252, 4109.86, 4109.86, 4072.62, 4073.50, 0.00, 0.00
2006-12-27T23:59:59+00:00, 253, 4079.70, 4134.86, 4079.70, 4134.86, 0.00, 0.00
2006-12-28T23:59:59+00:00, 254, 4137.44, 4142.06, 4125.14, 4130.66, 0.00, 0.00
2006-12-29T23:59:59+00:00, 255, 4130.12, 4142.01, 4119.94, 4119.94, 0.00, 0.00

Same strategy but:

  • Setting the parameter period to 50

The command line:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --plot \

The chart output.



if no .py extension is given, bt-run will add it.

Using a built-in Strategy

backtrader will slowly be including sample (textbook) strategies. Along with the script a standard Simple Moving Average CrossOver strategy is included. The name:

  • SMA_CrossOver

  • Parameters

    • fast (default 10) period of the fast moving average

    • slow (default 30) period of the slow moving average

The strategy buys if the fast moving average crosses up the fast and sells (only if it has bought before) upon the fast moving average crossing down the slow moving average.

The code

from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function,

import backtrader as bt
import backtrader.indicators as btind

class SMA_CrossOver(bt.Strategy):

    params = (('fast', 10), ('slow', 30))

    def __init__(self):

        sma_fast = btind.SMA(
        sma_slow = btind.SMA(period=self.p.slow)

        self.buysig = btind.CrossOver(sma_fast, sma_slow)

    def next(self):
        if self.position.size:
            if self.buysig < 0:

        elif self.buysig > 0:

Standard execution:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --plot \
      --strategy :SMA_CrossOver

Notice the :. The standard notation (see below) to load a strategy is:

  • module:stragegy:kwargs

With the following rules:

  • If module is there and strategy is specified, then that strategy will be used

  • If module is there but no strategy is specified, the 1st strategy found in the module will be returned

  • If no module is specified, “strategy” is assumed to refer to a strategy in the backtrader package

  • If module and/or strategy are there, if kwargs are present they will be passed to the corresponding strategy


The same notation and rules apply to --observer, --analyzer and --indicator options

Obviously for the corresponding object types

The output


One last example adding commission schemes, cash and changing the parameters:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --plot \
      --cash 20000 \
      --commission 2.0 \
      --mult 10 \
      --margin 2000 \
      --strategy :SMA_CrossOver:fast=5,slow=20

The output


We have backtested the strategy:

  • Changing the moving average periods

  • Setting a new starting cash

  • Putting a commission scheme in place for a futures-like instrument

    See the continuous variations in cash with each bar, as cash is adjusted for the futures-like instrument daily changes

Using no Strategy

This is a an over-statement. A strategy will be applied, but you can ommit any kind of strategy and a default backtrader.Strategy will be added.

Analyzers, Observers and Indicators will be automatically injected in the strategy.

An example:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --cash 20000 \
      --commission 2.0 \
      --mult 10 \
      --margin 2000 \
      --nostdstats \
      --observer :Broker

This will do not much but serves the purpose:

  • A default backtrader.Strategy is added in the background

  • Cerebro will not instantiate the regular stdstats observers (Broker, BuySell, Trades)

  • A Broker observer is added manually

As mentioned above, the nostdstats is a legacy parameter. Newer versions of btrun can pass parameters directly to Cerebro. An equivalent invocation would be:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --cash 20000 \
      --commission 2.0 \
      --mult 10 \
      --margin 2000 \
      --cerebro stdstats=False \
      --observer :Broker

Adding Analyzers

btrun also supports adding Analyzers with the same syntax used for the strategies to choose between internal/external analyzers.

Example with a SharpeRatio analysis for the years 2005-2006:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2005-2006-day-001.txt \
      --strategy :SMA_CrossOver \
      --analyzer :SharpeRatio

The console output is nothing.

If a printout of the Analyzer results is wished, it must be specified with:

  • --pranalyzer which defaults to calling the next one (unless the Analyzer has overriden the proper method)

  • --ppranalyzer which uses the pprint module to print the results


The two printing options were implemented before writers were part of backtrader. Adding a writer without csv output will achieve the same (and the output has been improved)

Extending the example from above:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2005-2006-day-001.txt \
      --strategy :SMA_CrossOver \
      --analyzer :SharpeRatio \
      --plot \

== Analyzers
{'sharperatio': 11.647332609673256}

Good strategy!!! (Pure luck for the example actually which also bears no commissions)

The chart (which simply shows the Analyzer is not in the plot, because Analyzers cannot be plotted, they aren’t lines objects)


The same example but using a writer argument:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2005-2006-day-001.txt \
      --strategy :SMA_CrossOver \
      --analyzer :SharpeRatio \
      --plot \

  - Datas:
    - Data0:
      - Name: 2005-2006-day-001
      - Timeframe: Days
      - Compression: 1
  - Strategies:
    - SMA_CrossOver:
      - Params:
        - fast: 10
        - slow: 30
        - _movav: SMA
      - Indicators:
        - SMA:
          - Lines: sma
          - Params:
            - period: 30
        - CrossOver:
          - Lines: crossover
          - Params: None
      - Observers:
        - Broker:
          - Lines: cash, value
          - Params: None
        - BuySell:
          - Lines: buy, sell
          - Params: None
        - Trades:
          - Lines: pnlplus, pnlminus
          - Params: None
      - Analyzers:
        - Value:
          - Begin: 10000.0
          - End: 10496.68
        - SharpeRatio:
          - Params: None
          - Analysis:
            - sharperatio: 11.6473326097

Adding Indicators and Observers

As with Strategies and Analyzers btrun can also add:

  • Indicators


  • Observers

The syntax is exactly the same as seen above when adding a Broker observer.

Let’s repeat the example but adding a Stochastic, the Broker and having a look at the plot (we’ll change some parameters):

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --nostdstats \
      --observer :Broker \
      --indicator :Stochastic:period_dslow=5 \

The chart


Plotting Control

Most of the above examples have used the following option:

  • --plot which has activated the creation a default plot

More control can be achieved by adding kwargs to the --plot option

  • --plot style="candle" for example to plot with candlesticks instead of plotting with a LineOnClose style (which is the plotting default)

The invocation:

btrun --csvformat btcsv \
      --data ../../datas/2006-day-001.txt \
      --nostdstats \
      --observer :Broker \
      --indicator :Stochastic:period_dslow=5 \
      --plot style=\"candle\"


The quotes around candle are quoted with backslashed \\ because the example is being run in a bash shell which removes that before passing the arguments to the script.

Backslash quoting is needed in this case to ensure “bar” makes it to the script and can be evaluated as a string

The chart


Usage of the script

Directly from the script:

$ btrun --help
usage: [-h] --data DATA [--cerebro [kwargs]] [--nostdstats]
                       [--format {yahoocsv_unreversed,vchart,vchartcsv,yahoo,mt4csv,ibdata,sierracsv,yahoocsv,btcsv,vcdata}]
                       [--fromdate FROMDATE] [--todate TODATE]
                       [--timeframe {microseconds,seconds,weeks,months,minutes,days,years}]
                       [--compression COMPRESSION]
                       [--resample RESAMPLE | --replay REPLAY]
                       [--strategy module:name:kwargs]
                       [--signal module:signaltype:name:kwargs]
                       [--observer module:name:kwargs]
                       [--analyzer module:name:kwargs]
                       [--pranalyzer | --ppranalyzer]
                       [--indicator module:name:kwargs] [--writer [kwargs]]
                       [--cash CASH] [--commission COMMISSION]
                       [--margin MARGIN] [--mult MULT] [--interest INTEREST]
                       [--interest_long] [--slip_perc SLIP_PERC]
                       [--slip_fixed SLIP_FIXED] [--slip_open]
                       [--no-slip_match] [--slip_out] [--flush]
                       [--plot [kwargs]]

Backtrader Run Script

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --resample RESAMPLE, -rs RESAMPLE
                        resample with timeframe:compression values
  --replay REPLAY, -rp REPLAY
                        replay with timeframe:compression values
  --pranalyzer, -pralyzer
                        Automatically print analyzers
  --ppranalyzer, -ppralyzer
                        Automatically PRETTY print analyzers
  --plot [kwargs], -p [kwargs]
                        Plot the read data applying any kwargs passed

                        For example:

                          --plot style="candle" (to plot candlesticks)

Data options:
  --data DATA, -d DATA  Data files to be added to the system

Cerebro options:
  --cerebro [kwargs], -cer [kwargs]
                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - kwargs

                            Example: "preload=True" which set its to True

                        The passed kwargs will be passed directly to the cerebro
                        instance created for the execution

                        The available kwargs to cerebro are:
                          - preload (default: True)
                          - runonce (default: True)
                          - maxcpus (default: None)
                          - stdstats (default: True)
                          - live (default: False)
                          - exactbars (default: False)
                          - preload (default: True)
                          - writer (default False)
                          - oldbuysell (default False)
                          - tradehistory (default False)
  --nostdstats          Disable the standard statistics observers
  --format {yahoocsv_unreversed,vchart,vchartcsv,yahoo,mt4csv,ibdata,sierracsv,yahoocsv,btcsv,vcdata}, --csvformat {yahoocsv_unreversed,vchart,vchartcsv,yahoo,mt4csv,ibdata,sierracsv,yahoocsv,btcsv,vcdata}, -c {yahoocsv_unreversed,vchart,vchartcsv,yahoo,mt4csv,ibdata,sierracsv,yahoocsv,btcsv,vcdata}
                        CSV Format
  --fromdate FROMDATE, -f FROMDATE
                        Starting date in YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS] format
  --todate TODATE, -t TODATE
                        Ending date in YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS] format
  --timeframe {microseconds,seconds,weeks,months,minutes,days,years}, -tf {microseconds,seconds,weeks,months,minutes,days,years}
                        Ending date in YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS] format
  --compression COMPRESSION, -cp COMPRESSION
                        Ending date in YYYY-MM-DD[THH:MM:SS] format

Strategy options:
  --strategy module:name:kwargs, -st module:name:kwargs
                        This option can be specified multiple times.

                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - module:classname:kwargs

                            Example: mymod:myclass:a=1,b=2

                        kwargs is optional

                        If module is omitted then class name will be sought in
                        the built-in strategies module. Such as in:

                          - :name:kwargs or :name

                        If name is omitted, then the 1st strategy found in the mod
                        will be used. Such as in:

                          - module or module::kwargs

  --signal module:signaltype:name:kwargs, -sig module:signaltype:name:kwargs
                        This option can be specified multiple times.

                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - signaltype:module:signaltype:classname:kwargs

                            Example: longshort+mymod:myclass:a=1,b=2

                        signaltype may be ommited: longshort will be used

                            Example: mymod:myclass:a=1,b=2

                        kwargs is optional

                        signaltype will be uppercased to match the defintions
                        fromt the backtrader.signal module

                        If module is omitted then class name will be sought in
                        the built-in signals module. Such as in:

                          - LONGSHORT::name:kwargs or :name

                        If name is omitted, then the 1st signal found in the mod
                        will be used. Such as in:

                          - module or module:::kwargs

Observers and statistics:
  --observer module:name:kwargs, -ob module:name:kwargs
                        This option can be specified multiple times.

                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - module:classname:kwargs

                            Example: mymod:myclass:a=1,b=2

                        kwargs is optional

                        If module is omitted then class name will be sought in
                        the built-in observers module. Such as in:

                          - :name:kwargs or :name

                        If name is omitted, then the 1st observer found in the
                        will be used. Such as in:

                          - module or module::kwargs

  --analyzer module:name:kwargs, -an module:name:kwargs
                        This option can be specified multiple times.

                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - module:classname:kwargs

                            Example: mymod:myclass:a=1,b=2

                        kwargs is optional

                        If module is omitted then class name will be sought in
                        the built-in analyzers module. Such as in:

                          - :name:kwargs or :name

                        If name is omitted, then the 1st analyzer found in the
                        will be used. Such as in:

                          - module or module::kwargs

  --indicator module:name:kwargs, -ind module:name:kwargs
                        This option can be specified multiple times.

                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - module:classname:kwargs

                            Example: mymod:myclass:a=1,b=2

                        kwargs is optional

                        If module is omitted then class name will be sought in
                        the built-in analyzers module. Such as in:

                          - :name:kwargs or :name

                        If name is omitted, then the 1st analyzer found in the
                        will be used. Such as in:

                          - module or module::kwargs

  --writer [kwargs], -wr [kwargs]
                        This option can be specified multiple times.

                        The argument can be specified with the following form:

                          - kwargs

                            Example: a=1,b=2

                        kwargs is optional

                        It creates a system wide writer which outputs run data

                        Please see the documentation for the available kwargs

Cash and Commission Scheme Args:
  --cash CASH, -cash CASH
                        Cash to set to the broker
  --commission COMMISSION, -comm COMMISSION
                        Commission value to set
  --margin MARGIN, -marg MARGIN
                        Margin type to set
  --mult MULT, -mul MULT
                        Multiplier to use
  --interest INTEREST   Credit Interest rate to apply (0.0x)
  --interest_long       Apply credit interest to long positions
  --slip_perc SLIP_PERC
                        Enable slippage with a percentage value
  --slip_fixed SLIP_FIXED
                        Enable slippage with a fixed point value
  --slip_open           enable slippage for when matching opening prices
  --no-slip_match       Disable slip_match, ie: matching capped at
                        high-low if slippage goes over those limits
  --slip_out            with slip_match enabled, match outside high-low
  --flush               flush the output - useful under win32 systems